Use GithubPages with NIC domain

GithubPage + FreeDNS +

Sebastián Vidal Aedo
3 min readDec 13, 2022

For this example we will use as domain: and we need the freedns ip and the IP associated with Github Pages.

Github Pages

GitHub Pages is a free web page hosting service that runs on GitHub servers. It supports different web development technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other programming languages like Ruby, Python, and PHP. It also supports different web frameworks and libraries like Jekyll, React, and Bootstrap.

What to do?

We create an account if we don’t have one and upload our code. We enable githubPage, which will give us a domain of the style where we can see our code deployed. Don’t forget that we can’t deploy anything and that only some languages are “deployed” correctly on GitHubPages.

example Mortipedia repo :)


FreeDNS ( is a free DNS service that allows users to manage their own DNS records on a domain name server. This allows them to associate a domain name (such as with an IP address (such as, allowing users to access their website or service through a domain name instead of an IP address. FreeDNS offers an easy-to-use user interface and a wide variety of configuration options for DNS records. Also, the service is free and can be used with domains registered at any domain registrar.

What to do?

After creating your account, you go to the Domains section and add the new domain, for example Then, go to manage and in Advance DNS add the Github IPs (as can be seen in the image below)

here you can see my config for

With that we finish here, now we must complete the process in Nic and Github


It is the portal in charge of managing the domains of Chile 🇨🇱 (.cl).
Here we go to the domain configuration, and in the Technical Configuration section we add the freedns domains.

With this we make that when entering, we ask to display the content that is in FreeDns and in turn FreeDns asks github (previous step).

At last, we need to add the correct domain in the Github page preferences (see the first image in this post), and then we need to wait a few minutes (maybe longer) for the domain to populate and everything to work perfectly, getting the content to display under the domain is our content hosted on githubpages.



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