Git Rebase: Solving Problems and Streamlining Workflows

Git rebase streamlines workflows and solves branch problems. In this article, we’ll cover its basics and how to use it effectively for a cleaner project structure and more efficient Git work.

Sebastián Vidal Aedo
4 min readMar 25, 2023

What is git rebase?

Git rebase is an operation in Git that allows a branch to be moved to a new base. This means it rearranges the history of changes in a branch so that it begins from a different point than its current base. This is achieved by applying the changes of one branch to a different base, instead of merging two branches.

Unlike other operations like merge and cherry-pick, git rebase preserves the linear history of the branch, meaning changes are applied one after the other in chronological order. This helps maintain a clear and easy-to-follow history of changes, especially in projects with multiple collaborators.

In practice, git rebase can be useful in situations such as when you want to update a branch with the latest changes from another branch, or when you want to maintain a clearer and more organized history of changes. For example, instead of merging a branch with another and creating an additional merge commit, git rebase can be used to apply the changes of the branch to the new base and maintain a linear and easy-to-follow history of changes.

Why use git rebase?

Git rebase solves several problems that may arise when working with Git branches. For example, it helps to avoid creating unnecessary merge commits that can clutter the history of changes and make it difficult to follow. It also helps to keep the branch history linear and maintain a cleaner and more organized project structure.

Some advantages of using git rebase include:

  • Creating a cleaner and more linear branch history
  • Maintaining a clear and easy-to-follow project structure
  • Avoiding unnecessary merge commits that can clutter the branch history
  • Keeping changes in chronological order, making it easier to understand the history of changes

However, it’s important to note that git rebase may not always be the best option in every situation. Some potential disadvantages of using git rebase include the risk of losing commits and changes if not done correctly, and the potential for conflicts to arise when rebasing changes from different branches. Therefore, it’s important to carefully consider the specific needs of your project and consult best practices before using git rebase.

How to use git rebase in practice

Using git rebase in practice involves several steps, which may vary depending on the specific use case. Some general steps for using git rebase include:

  1. Identify the branch to rebase and the new base branch.
  2. Use the git rebase command to apply the changes of the rebased branch to the new base branch.
  3. Resolve any conflicts that arise during the rebase process.
  4. Test the rebased changes to ensure they work as expected.
  5. Commit and push the rebased changes to the remote repository.

It’s important to note that using git rebase can be a complex process, and it’s important to follow best practices and consult documentation and tutorials before attempting to use it. Additionally, it’s recommended to use version control tools such as Git GUI clients or IDEs that provide built-in support for git rebase.

Let’s get to work

Assuming you have a local Git repository with at least two branches (the branch to rebase and the new base branch), here are some general steps to perform a git rebase:

1. First, ensure that you are on the branch that you want to rebase. For example, if you want to rebase the feature-branch onto main, run the following command to switch to feature-branch:

git checkout feature-branch

2. Next, run the git rebase command with the new base branch as the argument. For example, to rebase feature-branch onto main, run the following command:

git rebase main

3. If there are any conflicts during the rebase process, Git will prompt you to resolve them. Use a text editor to resolve any conflicts in the affected files and save the changes.

4. After resolving any conflicts, run the following command to continue the rebase process:

git rebase --continue

5. If there are still conflicts, repeat steps 3–4 until all conflicts are resolved.

6. Finally, push the rebased changes to the remote repository using the following command:

git push --force-with-lease

Note that the --force-with-lease option is required when pushing rebased changes to the remote repository because the rebased branch has a different history than the original branch. It's important to use this option instead of --force, which can overwrite changes made by other collaborators.



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